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Amazing Dolls

The foldable version for traveler looks interesting... wonder what looks you get going through luggage screening. lol. Still, being lonely on the road, great idea.
I have looked into getting a doll since my husband and I like the idea of a threesome but IRL it just doesn't work for us. These dolls are very realistic, but I think I would still be weirded out by their size. None of them that I found are a normal adult human size. I would feel like it was a child. 🙄
I have looked into getting a doll since my husband and I like the idea of a threesome but IRL it just doesn't work for us. These dolls are very realistic, but I think I would still be weirded out by their size. None of them that I found are a normal adult human size. I would feel like it was a child. 🙄
I had a look at the site and I agree. "Cute flat chested" etc ones are just kids. Shouldn't be legal