Below is a list of the chat room features available to users with upgraded VIP accounts. You can upgrade your account or that of a friend for $20. Once a VIP, always a VIP.
Earn gold 50% faster than normal chat accounts. You can spend gold on virtual gifts, buy photo gallery slots, change your user name and other future features.
VIPs are instantly given 3 photo gallery slots that you can edit endlessly. Each slot normally costs 1000 gold.
The "Special Emojis" collection includes Apple emojis, Things, and Specialty-Sets (more coming soon). We will rotate them in and out from time to time. Keep an eye out around the holidays!
Quote what people have written so everyone knows exactly what you are referring to.
Changing your name and text color is a decent perk, but the gradient color effects look amazing!
VIP members' names appear at the top of the user list. So everyone gets to see your awesome, fancy, cool, colorful name.
VIP Chatters can create their own private or public temporary chat rooms. These user-created rooms are deleted after several hours without use.
You can use your microphone to record your voice and post it to a room or private message. You are also free to upload video clips.
VIPs can share gold with other users.
Scroll back in time and see what was posted before you entered the room. View prior conversations and pictures posted!
VIPs are immune from our "spam filter." Our automated system kicks or bans chatters when they type various words or URLs commonly found in spam messages. This is sometimes triggered by innocent chatters and can take time to rectify. *We occasionally turn this feature off to catch people who have purchased VIP just to spam.
Upgrade any User Account to VIP instantly!
(One Time Fee of $20 = VIP for Life)
Click "Myself" to upgrade the account you are logged into. Click "Someone else" to upgrade a friend's account!
Guest accounts can't be upgraded.
* All Sales Are Final. Furthermore, you are NOT entitled to a refund if you get banned from the chat for breaking site rules. If there is an accidentl double charge (which has never happened) or some other problem, please contact us through the Admin Contact Form