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Sex on first date

Would you have sex on the first date if you "clicked" with your date?

  • Yes

    Votes: 29 85.3%
  • No

    Votes: 5 14.7%

  • Total voters
I have a strong feeling this is only a viable thing to ask and have be an issue in US and Canadian culture.

The reason is that 'dating' actually means something very different for a lot of the rest of the world. Outside of the US and Canada, it's common to never call the phase where you get to know your partner and bond with him/her/(singular pronoun them) as 'dating', instead you are just naturally hanging with them.

For many Europeans, Africans, Asians (excluding arranged marriages) so on and so forth, the friendzone is a natural stage into a relationship, this 'friendzone' meme thing is because in America you unironically go up to a stranger and ask her/him/them for their number with some cheesy pickup line and hope it somehow works.

This means that by the first date in most of the rest of the world, you are ALREADY kissing and at second base, if not banging. To put this simpler though, if what is defined as 'date' is the 'first time properly getting to know someone' then no, I'd never fuck because if I was seeking a hookup why the hell would it be a date?
I have a strong feeling this is only a viable thing to ask and have be an issue in US and Canadian culture.

The reason is that 'dating' actually means something very different for a lot of the rest of the world. Outside of the US and Canada, it's common to never call the phase where you get to know your partner and bond with him/her/(singular pronoun them) as 'dating', instead you are just naturally hanging with them.

For many Europeans, Africans, Asians (excluding arranged marriages) so on and so forth, the friendzone is a natural stage into a relationship, this 'friendzone' meme thing is because in America you unironically go up to a stranger and ask her/him/them for their number with some cheesy pickup line and hope it somehow works.

This means that by the first date in most of the rest of the world, you are ALREADY kissing and at second base, if not banging. To put this simpler though, if what is defined as 'date' is the 'first time properly getting to know someone' then no, I'd never fuck because if I was seeking a hookup why the hell would it be a date?
Sometimes you go on the first date with guy/girl you met once and you liked him/her and exchanged numbers, then you decided to meet on date, to get to know each other. You like how the date goes, and you have great time, then he is taking you back home, and you kiss good night, and there is this moment, like second, when you consider to pull him inside, or not....
Sometimes you go on the first date with guy/girl you met once and you liked him/her and exchanged numbers, then you decided to meet on date, to get to know each other. You like how the date goes, and you have great time, then he is taking you back home, and you kiss good night, and there is this moment, like second, when you consider to pull him inside, or not....
Yeah this is a thing in US and Canada for sure.

Outside it there is either pure hookup or romantic dating, rarely any in between. For romantic, they already knew each other a while.

If you are asking me, that is not my style whatsoever to just cold-call date someone and fuck first time. I am a bit old fashioned like that. I could do a hookup threesome but my original partner should be with me.