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Issues regarding viewing posts


VIP Member
Queen_Bee, a vip member of 321sexchat.com stated to me that she is having and has been having issues regarding seeing posts from her friends for the past 3 days. I walked her through some steps but I was unsuccessful. Please help if possible
Seeing posts where?
Just thought I help out. She talking about the "Friends Wall" . Samantha69 messaged me about this and asked If I have seen it before. She sent me a screencap. A user's "Friends wall" is blank even though she knows her friends are posting stuff. I suggested clear history and logging in and out. But didn't seem to help.
With an update due (I’ve been told less than 4 weeks [more than once]) it’s unlikely this will be done but I’ll check it out.

Could you ask them to refresh now and let me know? I’ve just made a little change.