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Auto Ban filter for spam


VIP Member
So Lately I have experienced this, weird error/bug that I find very frustrating and annoying ....
VIP's are able to create there own room, and the only commands that I am aware with that works for a VIP Room Owner are :
/topic- to add a room topic
/Clear - to clear the chat

Now the problem I have been facing is, that every time I try to edit my room topic with the /topic command, it gives me an error message that "This Command doesn't exist" but the problem is, I get kicked out after this error message (Site banned) for spamming, which is just really very frustrating.

Few things that I have understood is this might be because of the special characters I put, right... But yesterday I didn't put much special characters, but still it gave me the same error and kicked me out..

I tried it once more just to be sure it was simply because of the special characters, but to my surprise the moment I try to run the command again with nothing but just some "Text" I got Banned again...

• Now if it is a bug, then it will definitely take some time to fix .

But since it's just a bug, can the autspam filter be set for muting for few hours instead of getting site banned!

This all seems very frustrating,
Again it's just a suggestion for you to consider, feel free to correct me or putting your suggestions ..
It's called Asian Gangbang Brothel.

I am not sure, about it...
But there is this same content, and few numbers that I need to keep updating.. that's what I.. do...
Once in a day.

Beside that there's this room GIF that keeps breaking in a span of few days so I need to update it too, along with the same content.

I have been doing the same for months since I made the room...

It is giving me trouble for some time now..
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What way are you posting the image gif?

If it breaks in a few days, it’s most likely broken in 2 hours and you’re just seeing the cached version your browser has.

There are a few characters I’d say you have that we have blocked.

We only block what bots use to spam and those who try to scam money from others.
I see the image you’ve been using. It’s hosted by us. It will expire after 2 hours.
Use an image hosting site and the direct url for the image.

You’ve used these which are probably blocked..

「✓ ✓ 「 ℬ 「 「
Ohhh I see,
Exactly I have been using 321sexchat as host site for my gifs, as I was worried others won't be allowed.
Let me use random host site, for my gifs
Easyimg.io I am gonna use link for my gif from here Fingers crossed

The characters, ahhh,
Is there any specific list of characters that I can use ?

For now I will remove all of these characters and I am gonna try it again,
and i'll let you know if it works out..
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Hello Again...
Update regarding this issue..

Looks like the special characters were triggering the auto spam filters
But I am still unaware as what kind of special characters are permitted.
I learned about few of them..

I tried using some of the simple characters (.-[ like these, they works fine.

I have also updated the room gif as you have suggested me, hope it doesn't get busted this time.

Thank you for your help! Cheers.
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