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started early

Dennis J

New member
As far back as I can remember I always checked out other guys and when I was 8 my mom caught me trying on her panties and got me my own. She told me that she knew I was most likely gay long before that so it was no surprise to her and I haven't worn anything since. By the time I started Jr. High I was openly gay and had a lot of female friends who were just that, friends, so they were very comfortable with me being around and convinced me to try out for the cheerleading squad. With their help to learn the routines I made the squad, that's when the problem began as male cheerleaders were not even thought of back then and I was told if I wanted to be on the squad I'd have to wear the same type uniforms the girls wore, the typical cheerleader skirt and top. Looking back I think they were hoping I'd change my mind and not join but with the girls support I agreed and was on the team wearing a skirt which I quickly grew to love wearing. Of course while most of the guys in my school adjusted to my being gay, wearing a skirt was completely different and I had to put up with constant harassment, then to make matters worse having to shower after the games or practice with the football team didn't help and got progressively worse and the harassment became physical. One day after a practice I had waited in the hall while the team finished showering and went in to shower myself and just as I got under the shower a bunch of the guys came in tried to make me quit the squad which I refused so they started snapping me with wet towels to make me quit. By the time they finished with me my legs, bum and back were all red and bruised from the slap of the towels but I didn't quit and they just warned me they weren't done with me as they left. As it turned out I was supposed to meet some of the girls from the squad and go over to one of their houses to go in their pool. As soon as they saw me they knew something was wrong and as we were changing to go in the pool they saw the red marks and made me tell them what happened. They got so mad and wanted to report it to the school but I just told them it would just make matters worse for me and they had to agree, then they came up with a solution in two parts that worked great. As expected a lot of the girls on the squad were dating guys on the football team so they told their boyfriends they had a choice, leave me alone and make sure other guys did or they could plan on jerking off a lot more than they did already. They knew exactly what that meant and I soon had the whole football team making sure no one picked on me or they'd get their ass kicked. The second part was they all agreed that after games and practices they'd sneak me into the locker room with them to shower and change parties which was no big deal for them seeing I was always invited to their sleep overs and parties. Soon after that, and a few shopping trips with the girls, as well as hand me downs or things they didn't wear any longer I was soon wearing skirts and dressed not just for game or practice but all the time and instead of being called by my given name, I became known as Denise by my friends and even a few of the teachers, unofficially, in my school. Through all this my mom has been so supportive teaching me how to be a lady and the only time she calls me Dennis is when I really screwed up.
Well that's how it started for me and I'm interested in how others got started if they're willing to share....
Thanks for sharing. I had a similar experience, I was 6 years old and had an aunt move in with my single mom. She was always sweet with my mom and they were happy. One day I searched her room and found a dildo and a lot of black underwear. I used to like like licking, kidding it and rubbing it all over my body. She found out and encouraged me to enjoy our secret. For my 10th birthday she gave me a pink underwear. I loved wearing that and being with her. Mom and her would go away on weekends and I’d stay with my dads mom. I wonder what they did so I decided to ask my aunt. That’s when she introduced me to their friend the dildo. This was another secret we had till I told my mom when I was 13. I got punished for wearing the pink underwear my aunt had been buying for me. They stopped talking for a few years and I felt guilty. Anyway that’s part of my crazy life
Thanks for sharing. I had a similar experience, I was 6 years old and had an aunt move in with my single mom. She was always sweet with my mom and they were happy. One day I searched her room and found a dildo and a lot of black underwear. I used to like like licking, kidding it and rubbing it all over my body. She found out and encouraged me to enjoy our secret. For my 10th birthday she gave me a pink underwear. I loved wearing that and being with her. Mom and her would go away on weekends and I’d stay with my dads mom. I wonder what they did so I decided to ask my aunt. That’s when she introduced me to their friend the dildo. This was another secret we had till I told my mom when I was 13. I got punished for wearing the pink underwear my aunt had been buying for me. They stopped talking for a few years and I felt guilty. Anyway that’s part of my crazy life
Hi had similar aunt and niece she would dress me up when baby sitting me at 9 in her daughters clothes . She was 10 . This sent in for a year until she stated doing things to me . Walk on all fours . She gave me a tiny vibrating thing and put in the end of my penis . This escalated with the niece and aunt and I for years. Using things on me . I’m not so much gay but bi. It made me very sexual after them days