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Would be nice to see actual proof of our allegations. A legit business that actually generates money from it's users should be prepared to back up their actions with more then erratic verbal responses from the people who are supposedly in charge. Unless of course they can't because they can, in fact, read private messages and showing the alleged proof would mean they violated their users privacy.
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Would be nice to see actual proof of our allegations. A legit business that actually generates money from it's users should be prepared to back up their actions with more then erratic verbal responses from the people who are supposedly in charge. Unless of course they can't because they can, in fact, read private messages and showing the alleged proof would mean they violated their users privacy.
That’s an admission right there if there was one.

Appeals mention that proof isn’t provided. It is something I told mods not to do. It won’t change for you. It won’t change your friends. I hope they thanked you.
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