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On a breath of wind.


New member
She came to him on a breath of wind, unnoticed by those whos ear is deaf to the call that was akin to a sigh, but to him...it was as if her whisper of need was sent by wire connected directly to his soul. They spoke lightly at first as most do when meeting someone new, though in their case it was undeniable that something far deeper was forming...growing. An ember....dim and almost invisible in the darkness was fanned to a flame from the wings that carried her to him on that breath. Was the breath her sigh of need or his murmur of dominance that carried her to him, both enticing...intoxicating, feeding the flame that now draws them like moths. For many..this is a familiar courtship but to them it is far more, most see a single flickering flame in the darkness...casting a soft glow of hope, they...the knowing, see that the ember was not one but two that merged together that ignited the flame that now possesses them. Each of them were an ember glowing hopefully...longingly in the abyss, waiting for that breath of wind ...to cast them together and ignite the light that will guide them to eternity.