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Looking For A Partner

I'm currently looking for a partner to roleplay. Dom male with a Sub Femaile.

I'm a wolf who is in the mood. lol

If anyone would liketo RP, Please read below before doing so.

General Rule of Conduct​

  1. I reserve the right to RP. That means I choose my partners and we'll discuss about kinks.
  2. Absolutely no kink shaming. If you do, I'll end the RP and ban you from contacting me. You have been warned!
  3. I expect you to conduct yourself in a matter fitting this website.
  4. I expect you to respond promptly (Within 24 Hours). Please use 3+ sentences when you respond.
  5. If you are going to be offline for any extended period of time, please contact me in chat or leave me a PM here.

No with that out of the way, Let's get to the story.

Luke didn't want to be alone all of the time. The city can be a cold and misgiving mistress.