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Is there a Double Standard?


New member
I got banned from the chat and made an appeal and was told my ban would remain, mind you I been a member for going on 2 years, my account is a VIP and I had never been banned prior. Yet the same thing I got banned for I've seen happening over and over, I've made forum posts before because I was being treatened, harassed and bullied, and I watch people in main chatrooms, harrass, bully, threaten and solicit daily and those persons have never got banned.
I wish you reported it when you saw it over and over.

Your status of VIP doesn’t mean you can break the rules.
I do understand and respect that noone should break the rules, but I have read the rules and while I figured out on my own the reason for my ban because I was kicked immediately upon typing the word, I don't even understand which rule I broke and was unaware at the time that I was breaking a rule.. I also did make forum posts when being harassed and bullied and nothing was done about it, but at that time my name was different, honestly don't remember what it was now.
I do understand what you are saying and I wholeheartedly appreciate the effort you put in to make this site all that it is. I have nothing and none in the real world so this site is the only thing in my actual life that makes me somewhat happy which is why I spend so many hours here daily, sometimes just chatting regularly with people. I just wish that just as others were able to continue enjoying the site while doing all the seemed to be in contravention of the rules, that I was after being such a loyal and model member, given at least a chance to be able to rejoin the site, this time knowing that at least what I did that got me banned is not something acceptable.